Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Title: “PHOBIA: Living in Terror”

Director: Yves Gerald Issembert

Jerrilyn Ross- Psychotherapist, for the case of Agoraphobia

Joan- a person suffering in fearing on spider

Peter Lang- Professor in the University of Florida and a neurological scientist studies the chemical activities on a brain on person having phobia

Bruce Cuthbert- Professor in the University of Florida

Beverly Black – woman suffering from fearing snake

Joseph Leodux- Author, Specialist in Emotional Brain

Robert Dupont- Author, Anxiety Cure

Freda Smith- Anxiety Specialist

John Marshall- Professor of Psychiatry

Richard Davidson- Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry

Albert Carlin- Professor of Anxiety and Behavioral Sciences in the University of Washington

Hunter Hoffman – Professor in Washington

Phobia: Living in Terror, a film documentary of Discovery Channel demonstrating how the life of a person having phobia. Phobia is irrational fear for a certain situation or object. According from an expert on phobia, phobia is from a dramatic incident of person from there past experience.

The biggest different of phobia from a fear is it irrational. Some normal people when they saw people with phobia said they were like a crazy person. But normal don’t know what the feeling of person having phobia.

The best treatment for phobia is acceptance. You can find anyone who can help you to overcome phobia. One type of treatment is exposure the person to their fear in which the patient is confronted by the fear object for an extended length of time without the opportunity to escape. The goal of this method is to help the individual face their fear and realize that the fear object will not harm them.

Another method often used in phobia treatment is counter-conditioning. In this method, the patient is taught a new response to the fear object. Rather that panic in the face of the feared object or situation, the client learns relaxation techniques to replace anxiety and fear. This new behavior is incompatible with the previous panicked response, so the phobic response gradually fades. Counter-conditioning is often used with patients who are unable to handle exposure treatments.


All man has fear but a phobia is mental disorder. If you have a phobia, you probably realize that your fear is unreasonable, yet you still can’t control your feelings. Just thinking about the thing you fear may make you anxious. And when you’re actually exposed to your phobia, the terror is automatic and overwhelming.
We don’t understand what the feeling of a phobic person is. Sometimes others laugh when a phobic fears for a normal thing. They may get this disorder because of their traumatic situation from past that you maybe not experience. But we are try to understand them and supposed to help them to accept that the thing fear is not harmful to him.

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