Monday, March 9, 2009


Title: AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome / HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus


Anthony Fauci, MD – a medical expert for the disease about AIDS

Steve Cohn – a man who genetically ability to prevent AIDS

Lisa Howard – a woman who is HIV positive and through medicatiuon who born normal child not infected by HIV

David Howards – husband of Lisa who not afraid to marry Lisa in spite of being HIV positive

Paul Volberding –specialist about AIDS

Jerry Guild – a HIV patient

Anita – a volunteer nurse for vaccines of AIDS, nurse of Jerry

Elizabeth Lanecker – a professor who encourage that a student even in a grade should know the education of safe sex to prevent the increasing population affected by AIDS

Brando and Travis – student of Elizabeth Lanecker, willing to know how to prevent AIDS


A documentary films that talk about HIV and AIDS. HIV/AIDS is an infectious disease and stories of those person affected by this kind of disease. The letters stand for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, which is the name of the organism that causes this disease, and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, which is the name of the set of symptoms that characterize this condition.
It shows what the causes the disease of AIDS. When HIV enters a human body, it tends to seek out and attack a particular group of cells commonly known as the T- cells. These cells are part of the body's immune system.
When the body is invaded by this virus, there is a rapid increase in the production of T- cells, which is the body's signal that a virus is present and an immune response must be mounted for protection. Unfortunately, HIV interferes with this process.
When HIV encounters a T-cell inside the blood system, it attaches itself and inserts itself into the T-cells. In this way, the T-cells are transformed into a producing new HIV. Ultimately, the T cell bursts, releasing new virus into the blood stream, and these, in turn, seek out other T cells to invade. In the process of its own reproduction, HIV destroys the ability of the body to fight infection, leading to illness and possible death.
Until now, scientist didn’t found a cure for this kind of disease. They are producing many medicines that cannot cure but only for medication. It cost 10 -15 dollars a year for this medication. These medicines have a side effect.
Due to increase of population affected by HIV virus, even the former president Bill Clinton builds an organization looking for the cure of this disease.
HIV/AIDS has generated a considerable amount of controversy. Homosexual men with HIV became infected through sexual contact with other men, but there is nothing specifically homosexual about HIV/AIDS. Many men and women around the world have been infected with HIV through heterosexual contact. It appears that some factors, such as having another sexually transmitted disease like syphilis, or engaging in sexual practices that tear the skin lining of participants' sexual organs, may significantly facilitate infection occurring during sex. There is fast growth on female than male on HIV positive.
A school in US has been introduced to a grade school student about sex education. They say “Prevention is better than Treatment”. They teach the use of different contraceptive and the importance of safe sex.

Because there is no cure for HIV / AIDS, the only way people can prevent infection with the virus is to avoid behaviors putting them at risk of infection, such as having unprotected sex.
Having this kind of disease is waiting to your death. Watching the documentary film signifies that life is very important where not suppose to risk our life for unprotected sex.
“Prevention is better than cure” a word that should always be in our mind especially today that disease like AIDS and HIV has no cure.
For me, I am not a supporter of contraceptives but I think the best way to prevent AIDS is to stop the spreading of premarital sex and homosexual engaging to sexual intercourse.

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