Friday, March 13, 2009


Rules for succesful Leadership
1. Control your destiny, or someone else will
2. Face reality as it is, not as it was or you wish it was
3.Be candid with everyone
4. Dont manage, lead
5. Change before you have to
6. If you dont have a competitive advantage, dont compete

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Title: “PHOBIA: Living in Terror”

Director: Yves Gerald Issembert

Jerrilyn Ross- Psychotherapist, for the case of Agoraphobia

Joan- a person suffering in fearing on spider

Peter Lang- Professor in the University of Florida and a neurological scientist studies the chemical activities on a brain on person having phobia

Bruce Cuthbert- Professor in the University of Florida

Beverly Black – woman suffering from fearing snake

Joseph Leodux- Author, Specialist in Emotional Brain

Robert Dupont- Author, Anxiety Cure

Freda Smith- Anxiety Specialist

John Marshall- Professor of Psychiatry

Richard Davidson- Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry

Albert Carlin- Professor of Anxiety and Behavioral Sciences in the University of Washington

Hunter Hoffman – Professor in Washington

Phobia: Living in Terror, a film documentary of Discovery Channel demonstrating how the life of a person having phobia. Phobia is irrational fear for a certain situation or object. According from an expert on phobia, phobia is from a dramatic incident of person from there past experience.

The biggest different of phobia from a fear is it irrational. Some normal people when they saw people with phobia said they were like a crazy person. But normal don’t know what the feeling of person having phobia.

The best treatment for phobia is acceptance. You can find anyone who can help you to overcome phobia. One type of treatment is exposure the person to their fear in which the patient is confronted by the fear object for an extended length of time without the opportunity to escape. The goal of this method is to help the individual face their fear and realize that the fear object will not harm them.

Another method often used in phobia treatment is counter-conditioning. In this method, the patient is taught a new response to the fear object. Rather that panic in the face of the feared object or situation, the client learns relaxation techniques to replace anxiety and fear. This new behavior is incompatible with the previous panicked response, so the phobic response gradually fades. Counter-conditioning is often used with patients who are unable to handle exposure treatments.


All man has fear but a phobia is mental disorder. If you have a phobia, you probably realize that your fear is unreasonable, yet you still can’t control your feelings. Just thinking about the thing you fear may make you anxious. And when you’re actually exposed to your phobia, the terror is automatic and overwhelming.
We don’t understand what the feeling of a phobic person is. Sometimes others laugh when a phobic fears for a normal thing. They may get this disorder because of their traumatic situation from past that you maybe not experience. But we are try to understand them and supposed to help them to accept that the thing fear is not harmful to him.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Title: AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome / HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus


Anthony Fauci, MD – a medical expert for the disease about AIDS

Steve Cohn – a man who genetically ability to prevent AIDS

Lisa Howard – a woman who is HIV positive and through medicatiuon who born normal child not infected by HIV

David Howards – husband of Lisa who not afraid to marry Lisa in spite of being HIV positive

Paul Volberding –specialist about AIDS

Jerry Guild – a HIV patient

Anita – a volunteer nurse for vaccines of AIDS, nurse of Jerry

Elizabeth Lanecker – a professor who encourage that a student even in a grade should know the education of safe sex to prevent the increasing population affected by AIDS

Brando and Travis – student of Elizabeth Lanecker, willing to know how to prevent AIDS


A documentary films that talk about HIV and AIDS. HIV/AIDS is an infectious disease and stories of those person affected by this kind of disease. The letters stand for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, which is the name of the organism that causes this disease, and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, which is the name of the set of symptoms that characterize this condition.
It shows what the causes the disease of AIDS. When HIV enters a human body, it tends to seek out and attack a particular group of cells commonly known as the T- cells. These cells are part of the body's immune system.
When the body is invaded by this virus, there is a rapid increase in the production of T- cells, which is the body's signal that a virus is present and an immune response must be mounted for protection. Unfortunately, HIV interferes with this process.
When HIV encounters a T-cell inside the blood system, it attaches itself and inserts itself into the T-cells. In this way, the T-cells are transformed into a producing new HIV. Ultimately, the T cell bursts, releasing new virus into the blood stream, and these, in turn, seek out other T cells to invade. In the process of its own reproduction, HIV destroys the ability of the body to fight infection, leading to illness and possible death.
Until now, scientist didn’t found a cure for this kind of disease. They are producing many medicines that cannot cure but only for medication. It cost 10 -15 dollars a year for this medication. These medicines have a side effect.
Due to increase of population affected by HIV virus, even the former president Bill Clinton builds an organization looking for the cure of this disease.
HIV/AIDS has generated a considerable amount of controversy. Homosexual men with HIV became infected through sexual contact with other men, but there is nothing specifically homosexual about HIV/AIDS. Many men and women around the world have been infected with HIV through heterosexual contact. It appears that some factors, such as having another sexually transmitted disease like syphilis, or engaging in sexual practices that tear the skin lining of participants' sexual organs, may significantly facilitate infection occurring during sex. There is fast growth on female than male on HIV positive.
A school in US has been introduced to a grade school student about sex education. They say “Prevention is better than Treatment”. They teach the use of different contraceptive and the importance of safe sex.

Because there is no cure for HIV / AIDS, the only way people can prevent infection with the virus is to avoid behaviors putting them at risk of infection, such as having unprotected sex.
Having this kind of disease is waiting to your death. Watching the documentary film signifies that life is very important where not suppose to risk our life for unprotected sex.
“Prevention is better than cure” a word that should always be in our mind especially today that disease like AIDS and HIV has no cure.
For me, I am not a supporter of contraceptives but I think the best way to prevent AIDS is to stop the spreading of premarital sex and homosexual engaging to sexual intercourse.


If you think you are beaten, you are
If you think you dare not, you don't
If you'd like to win, but think you can't
Its almost certain you won't
Life's battles donts always go
To the stronger or faster man
But sooner or late, the man who wins
Is the man who think he can

Friday, March 6, 2009

Title: Body Atlas; “The Body Clock” and “Food Machine“

Director: Thelma Rumsey

Character: Brian


All humans are governed by a 24-hour "biological clock".
The "clock" resides in the brain's hypothalamus. It undergoes seasonal as well as daily changes. A sort of "third eye" resets the hypothalamus.

It night the hypothalamus releases melatonin assisting sleep. It stops when we open our eyes each morning, resetting the clock.
When the body is out of synchronization, as in jet lag, there is a resulting clash or hormones causing fatigue and disorientation.

The brain is the electrical control system; the several glands are the chemical control system.

Each glandular clock operates separately but the brain's pituitary gland keeps each of them in order by releasing a half dozen separate hormones.

The pituitary gland weighs only 1/40 oz. It periodically instructs the other glands to release their own hormones.

In the early morning the pituitary targets the adrenal glands to "tune up" the body and to produce cortisol, giving the body an initial burst of energy.

Later on the inner adrenals release the alertness hormone, adrenalin.

Threat causes a release of adrenalin; anger causes a release of noradrenalin. Both can release at the same time. They are only one atom apart. The normal ratio is 4: 1 adrenalin.

In Chris' emergency his pupils dilate to improve eyesight, breathing is faster and deeper to increase oxygen, saliva and mucous dry to increase air passage, the heart speeds up to increase blood to brain and muscles, he perspires to cool his skin, muscles tighten for rapid movement, digestion slows to conserve energy, and his blood prepares to clot or fight infection.

The thyroid produces thyroxine to control growth, controls the rate at which we turn food into body tissue, and acts as the body's thermostat.

The brain is fueled by glucose delivered by blood. When blood sugar is low. we are tired and hungry.

The pancreas pours out insulin which removes sugar from the blood for later use. Glucagon puts sugar back into the blood.

At night the pituitary steps up growth hormones to repair the day's damage. We are most defenseless at night.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Secret Window

Title: Secret Window

DIRECTOR: David Koepp


Mort Rainey - plays successful writer Mort Rainey, who is suffering from writer's block and has retreated to an isolated lakeside cabin.

Amy Rainey– the wife of Mort

John Shooter – a farmer from Mississippi claiming that his best story was stole by Mort

Charles Dutton – a police man or an investigator hired by Mort to make Jon Shooter leave Mort alone

Ted Milner – boyfriend of his ex- wife


The movie is a thriller psychological film starring Johnny Depp as Mort Rainey. Mort is a writer just coming off of troublesome divorce with his ex-wife, Amy, finds himself stalked at his isolated lake house cabin by a psychotic stranger, John Shooter, who claims Mort’s stole his story idea. John Shooter demands to change just the ending of the story.

The story begins when Mort saw his wife in a motel with another man.

Mort is sleeping on his favorite sofa. He is in the midst of a painful divorce and everything about the breakup has turned messy and unpleasant. It has sapped his energy and siphoned away his creativity, leaving him with a monumental case of writer's block that renders him incapable of even stringing a simple sentence together.

While Mrs. Garvey was cleaning his house she saw papers that have a written story on it and she thought that it was own by Mort. Afterwards, Mort saw it on the top of the table and makes him realized that it might be one of his stories. When he checked on the compilation of his writings, he discovered that he is the one who wrote it.

A day passed, he and Mr. Shooter talk. Mr. Shooter still insists that it was his story and Mort Rainey stole it. Mr. Shooter wants some prove that it was Mort’s story. Then they agreed that if Mort can provide the magazine that includes the Secret Window on it, then Mr. Shooter will go back to Mississippi where he came from.

While Mort digs around for the magazine which published the story in question years ago, things begin to happen around Shooter. Mort's dog dies and his house was burnt, after it, he is so screwed by Mr. Shooter and called his friend (Ken Karsch) to protect and caught the man who he think did this all. People begin to die, including his friend and the Mr.Greenleaf who he thinks that saw his conversation with Mr. Shooter. Another burden for him was, his divorce proceedings with Amy continue to get uglier. After what happened, Mort is still willing to give the magazine to Mr. Shooter. When the magazine was finally on his hands, the pages that contain the Secret Window was cut out.

At his house, he talked to himself told him that there is no real Mr. Shooter, he is the one who killed the hazard to his plans. That time Mort was so confused. Then he realized that he is the one who create Mr. Shooter. After what happen, Mort Rainey has gone, and the man that lives on his body was Mr. John Shooter. It seems that, Mr. Shooter was created for the reason of finishing the story and putting an end on it.

After a while, Amy goes to the house of Mort to ask him for his signature on their divorce papers. She was shocked in what she saw. Mort turned out to be the man that he blamed for everything that happened.

Forced into a mind-bending game of cat and mouse, Rainey discovers that he has more cunningness and gritty determination than he ever imagined. In the end, he realizes that elusive Shooter may know him better than he knows himself.


A title suggests itself that a person may another window. Secret window represents a man with multiple personalities which is hidden to him. Person with multiple personalities have a psychological problem.

Psychological problem Mort suffering is a cause of his traumatic experience that creates a window of his new character. This character makes all things that he cannot do when he is Mort in the form of John Shooter.

His psychological problem starts when he cannot overcome knowing his ex-wife with other guy. When the time his new character killed his ex-wife and guy, he become normal again. This being simple Mort not knowing Shooter is he and it remain secret that he also kill his ex-wife and Ted.

The story suggests that “Some window should never be opened….”

Monday, January 5, 2009

Title: Body Atlas; In the Womb

Director: Thelma Rumsey

Character: Valerie, Zoe, and Zoe's Baby


The topic of human birth is quite an interesting one. For example, why do we give birth the way we do? Why is labor so incapacitating to human females, and how has natural selection been a factor? The film have investigated the way in which the process of human pregnancy has evolved over time, and found a strong link between the biological and the sociological

The film follows the development of Valerie’s coming baby son, from hours after conception to a few weeks before his birth. It concludes with the birth of her friend Zoe’s son.

Large animals generally have longer pregnancies. Humans have one of the longest, 39 weeks. Pregnancy varies little from woman to woman.

All of the eggs a woman will produce are formed in her ovaries before she is born. They are the largest cells in the body. A man will continue to produce sperm for most of his life. A woman releases one egg every 28 days. It drifts into a fallopian tube and will be impregnated by only one of the millions of sperm which have entered her body.

All of the genetic information to produce a unique human is combined from the egg and sperm. In 1 1/2 days the fertilized egg will divide into two cells. It will take one week to travel down the fallopian tube to attach itself to the wall of the uterus.

Valerie can test her possible pregnancy through a hormonal shift which shows up in a test of her urine. Around the time of her first missed menstrual period, Valerie's breasts enlarge, signaling that her body is beginning to adapt.

The baby are develop started in 3rd week. The heart of the fetus begins beating. Most organs have begun. In less than a month the egg becomes an embryo. In 5th week, the umbilical cord functioning. The brain of the fetus is 1/3 of his size. In the sixth week, the fingers and toes start forming. Seventh week, first movement is undetectable and the baby weighs is 1/3 oz. In the 8th week, the fetus is one inch long, the bone is forming and begun to be like a human.

The head is almost 1/2 of body's length in the ninth week. Rudimentary spinal cord is formed. No sign of consciousness. In the 14th week, Valerie can feel movement. Fetus swallows and excretes. Thumb sucking begins and indicating handedness.

Fetus fills womb in 16th week. It is receiving food and eliminating waste through the umbilical cord to the placenta, which acts as its lungs, liver and digestive organs. In the 20th week, the heartbeat is twice Valerie's and is delivering daily a few spoonfuls of blood. Valerie is aware of its sleeping and waking times.

In the 26th week, Valerie's heart, kidneys, breathing, and skin are adapting. Baby can hear and is light sensitive. In the 30th week, the baby now almost independents, has a good chance of survival, though still 2 months premature.

In 35th-39th week, the baby's muscle tone and brain well developed. Valerie has gained 30 lbs. Baby turns head down.

The most awaiting moment from a mother is the birth of the baby. The baby' first cry starts its breathing and oxygen intake causes red blood cells to change its color from blue to pink.

The infant are dependent to the vital until the umbilical have cut. The infant are independent. They will breath in their own.


Humans are formed from two cells that combined and fertilized. From many sperm cells fighting for one egg cell, a man is form.

As the success of human birth and the ability to conceive more frequently in a lifetime became greater. Increased birth rates meant increased variation, providing a larger pool of genetic traits to be selected for or against.

Birth evolved from a private to a social process in order to increase the rates of survival for both mother and child. With time, this socialization led to the development of various techniques of compensating for the physical limitations.

Many people believe that sometimes they are unfortunate, but being birth is very auspicious. Among millions of sperms, having different genes, you are formed.